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Dual Enrollment Program

For the IIA high school program, we utilize area colleges and universities in order for students to complete the high school curriculum. Students may begin dual enrollment in Grade 10 or Grade 11, depending upon their academic level. Students attending University of Michigan-Dearborn may receive a 50% college tuition discount as dual-enrolled students. Henry Ford Community College is another popular institution for dual-enrolled students.

Dual Enrollment allows students to enroll in challenging college courses while completing their high school curriculum. In addition, young people are gradually introduced into American college life while they are still attached to the Islamic atmosphere of the school and masjid. In this way, they develop experience slowly, while they are still surrounded by their schoolmates and the school setting to which they are accustomed.

Dual Enrollment also allows students to earn up to an Associate’s Degree at the college level, even before graduating from high school. This allows for earlier college graduation, and in many cases, lower college tuition costs. Early college programs have become increasing popular among American students. IIA offers the same advantage of early college courses, plus the additional value of an Islamic environment and coursework for part of the day.